Questions for Fun!

by Saturday, June 18, 2016 0 komentar
I have plenty of free time this June until I don't know what to do to kill the boredom.
Then I found this on goodreads!

Kinda useless, but it's great for killing time. 

So this is mine, questions for fun!

1. What is your favorite subject in school? 
English. And Indonesian. All kind of language subject.

2.  Which flavor of ice-cream do you prefer? 
Every flavor is delicious on its way, but Baskin Robbin’s mint chocolate chip is damn so good. All time favorite.

3.  What is your strongest talent? 
Tidy up things?

4. What do you usually do when you have leisure time on your hands? 
Do some face/ hair treatment, read books.

5. What is your favorite season and why ? 
Well, we only have 2 season in Indonesia, rainy and dry. I choose rainy season.

6.  If you could go anywhere in the world where would you go? 

7.  What is your favorite color? 
Pink! And white.

 8.  What is your favorite home cooked meal?
Sweet-savory seasoned clams by mom.

9.  What is your favorite grab and go meal? 
Flavored chicken fillet/ chicken pop.

10.  Do you prefer to wear pants or dresses? 
Dress all the way!

11.  How many siblings do you have? 
One older brother.

12.  What is your favorite snack?
Sale pisang! The fried one (Indonesia traditional banana snack/chips)

13.  What is your favorite electronic device?
My laptop.

14. If you could be any animal which one would you prefer to be and why?
Panda. Because it’s cuteeeeee and adorable.

15. What kind of vehicle do you usually ride in?
Motorbike for daily, car for church/ family’s day out.

16.  Do you have pets?
Some orange colored fishes.

17. Do you plan to go to college?
I already graduated :)

18.  Do you hope to have children of your own? If so how many.
Of courseee. One boy one girl would be a great pair.

19.  How many books did you read last year?
4 or 5 books.

20. Where did you spend your last family vacation?
Prigen’s Safari.

21. Do you have relatives in other states? If so, which ones?
My 16 y o cousin been staying in Taiwan learning Mandarin, my 22 y o cousin been staying in Korea for studying as well.

22.  Are you ticklish?
Not really.

23. How many pairs of shoes do you currently own?
Around 9, I think.

24. Which one fashion accessory do you like better than others?
Earrings! It makes you prettier in a flash.

25.  What age do you consider old?

26.  Which birthday are you most looking forward to and why?
Mom’s and dad’s. Because it means we’ll eating out.

27.  Do you prefer pens or pencils?

28. Do you like your handwriting?

29. Were you named after anyone?
Nope. It was taken from my grandma baby’s name book.
And isn't it hard to find people named Atalia?

30.  When did you last visit the zoo?
A month ago, Prigen’s Safari.

31.  Have you ever stayed on a farm?

32.  Have you ever been horseback riding?
Once or twice, at Puncak Bogor.

33. Have you ever been water skiing?

34.  What is your favorite all-time movie?
A Walk to Remember.
Actually and Korean Movie called 'Beauty Inside', but it’s still new and I can’t say it’s my all time favorite.

35.  Can you change a tire?

36. Is your room more clean or more messy?
Based on a what day, lol.

37.  Do you prefer a bath or a shower?
Shower. Bath takes a lot of time.

38. What do you prefer to drink with your morning meal?
Plain milk.

39.  Which animal would you most like for your pet?
Puppy! Or panda if possible? :D

40.  Do you like sweet treats or salty treats?
Salty yum yum.

41.  Have you ever sung in the shower?
Almost everyday.

42. Do you find it easy to save money?
NOPE. It’s the hardest thing in the world! (after diet)

43.  Do you get an allowance?
Not anymore, recently working ~

44. Do you have more friends that are boys or girls?

45. Which do you prefer you had - straight or curly hair?

46.  What color eyes do you most like?
For me or for others? For me is black just like mine. For others.. I once met foreigner (white people) with blue eyes and it looks so warm and beautiful.

47.  Do you prefer colored or white socks? 
White socks.

48. Have you ever colored your hair?

49. How do you earn money?

50. Do you like to dance?

51.  Where do you keep your spending money?
Online shopping (._.) fashion and stuff.

52. Did you have a favorite toy as a child?
I didn’t really like toys when I was child. I don’t even like dolls.

53.  Do you share a bedroom?

54.  Do you like drinking from the cup or a straw?
From the cup.

55.  Do you like ice in your cold beverages?
No, it makes the beverages taste bland.

56. What is your favorite sandwich?
Just a regular sandwich with cheese, ham, and egg.

57.  Where is the farthest you have ever traveled?

58. Which family member do you most resemble?
Not sure, but I have dad’s skin tone.

59. What is the weirdest thing that has ever happened to you?
*can’t remember* *update soon*

60. Do you prefer fresh air or air conditioned air?
Fresh air, of courseee!

61.  Have you ever been in a musical drama or play? If so, what was it?
Some dramas at church? Play as Maria, as bystanders, or as a crying lady.

62. What is your favorite childhood memory?
Picnic with my parents & my brother.

63.  Do you usually buy or carry your lunch when at school?
Carry my lunch.

64.  What is your favorite fruit?
Sweet longans and grapes.

65.  What color of clothing do you most like to wear?

66.  What is your favorite breakfast?
Fried rice and fried egg.

67.  Who do you spend more time with?

68.  Do you know how to iron your clothes? 
Of course!

 69. Can you sew a button on your clothing? 
Oh yes, of course.

70.  Have you ever cut your hair?

Hair no, bangs yes, every time.

Do you have some free time? How about try this and post it on your blog as well? :)



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